
  • In the warehouse - Teel in the old Gastown Warehouse.. a wonderful model and a great working space. Felt so free and.. open. I mean, we did have 2000 sq. ft. of open concept urban live- work space to deal with so.. it was pretty wide open. I’m prepping for a streaming event.. website members will get FREE access …
  • Getting set - There have been MANY changes over the past few weeks.. months.. this year has been nothing if it wasn’t complete upheval! I’m still trying to get used to living on the North Coast of British Columbia.. while I didn’t anticipate this prior to departure, the life style, the life.. the existence.. and all associated acoutrements …
  • test three - Going through the configuration of The System and learning a new plug in… this test *worked* so if you are on the fence about signing up, head over to and FOLLOW me on the newest ad free- est, and open- est social platform out there (be sure to allow ADULT content since posting here …