
Wet Pedals..
Playboy for Cyclists!

Wet Pedals is a fledgling “periodical” that I am launching with content featuring Sexy Female Models wearing KIT, fashion, bikini, lingerie.. and less.. posing with awesome bicycles! 

The purpose of WetPedals is.. to sexify cycling! The ‘inherent’ sexiness of motoriced two wheelers is inescapable.. it’s so well entrenched in to our collective social psyche that we hear a thundering two wheeler lumbering down the road and our hearts start racing (well, mine does.. I’ve had a long standing love affair with two wheels ever since…). As well, there is that ubiquitous concept that “Sex Sells.” So.. let’s work to sexify cycling!

I am currently reaching out to artists near and far for production.. soon, I’ll be launching the content as periodical release. Not sure of the schedule but it will eventually work to a monthly. And each issue will be purchasable in hard copy through Print on Demand structures.

Stay tooned.. wonderful cyclistical nudes
coming soon!