This means that you will have access to this entire website.. AND you will be given 100% DISCOUNT CODES for my *other* sites including, but not limited to, OceanCyclist, WetPEDALS, SavageProgress, and Bucketvision art nude community!
You will, also, get a FREE, signed copy of my graphically enhanced literary novel "The Death of Love" and be able to watch the pre- release sessions/ work for it's sequel/ prequel "Wasted America" through my personal exhibition site Altphotoart.
AND Lifetime Legacy Members get the aded bonus of access to pre- release content, private/ Legacy only content and more!!!
I will, also, be scheduling a LIVE STREAMED EVENT shortly that ONLY Lifetime Members will have unrestricted access to. It will be a "tester" of event infrastructure.. but you'll~ also~ get FREE access to The Main Event (March 15th ish 2025).. you will need to get a TICKET but, you will be given a single- use discount code for 100% off!
So.. sign up now and enjoy access for the lifespan of this website!