Crowdfunding websites SUCK!!

Everybody is running a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe campaign.. but not me! I’m PUBLISHING hard cover coffee table books that you can proudly display for your guests, your friends, and your family!
But, as a “crowdfunding” plan I’m giving these books away for a song.. 50% off RETAIL to be specific! The books are being printed by my Boutique Publishing Company (fledgling) Nowhere Press and periods.. the very same company that published my literary novel The Death of Love (copies available from $20 with free international shipping!) and I’m using the printing relationships that I developed during that project for this.
The books will be about 8″ by 10″ and be about 150 pages long.. mixed colour and black and white.. some images hand printed and scanned by ME.. some digital, some just commercial print scans. A variety.. and a variety of visuals for coffee table display! All books will have a Suggested Retail Price of $120 so that means your purchase price, right now, is $60 USF.
the collected volumes |
The TwinPeaks
The volume is currently being prepped.. I’ll be choosing from more than 1200 images that are all Breast- Centric.. or, images that focus more on the breast than any other content element. The book will be 8″ by 10″ and up to *almost* 200 pages in length. I am, also, negotiating to get 5 individual covers for the book. This means.. depending on where you are, the book you get might be different from someone else’s copy. If I go the route of Dust Covers, PreOrders get FOUR FREE covers.. so you’ll get all of them (if, however, it is a printed hard cover… I can’t do that 😉 ). |
The BrokenLens
This volume is a collection of distressed nudes.. living my life as I have (subsistence existence, survival mode.. moving from one emergency event to another full of stress and disquiet reason), my style is unique but also my film shows signs of.. the moves I have endured. This is a compendium of variety.. variety exhibiting my unique vision but also spotlighting the difficulty being an abused victim has inflicted on me and my artwork. All images are hand printed and/ or professionally scanned and cleaned as much as possible but all reflect my unique vision and experiences. |
individual model titles |
Most of the images that you’ll see in this volume will be Film Based as most of our work took place prior to the addition of digital gear to my work flow. Even when I did have a dSLR.. I have always preferred using my F5 for it’s speed and abilities that are only just now starting to be overshadowed in the dSLR world. |
Over the years, we shot as often as possible.. in the studio, outside.. nope, not on Wreck beach… but many other (public) places in Vancouver. We explored some amazing concepts that include macro flower bouquet arrangements, middle of winter frozen black and whites.. and hand lettering poems on her breast. Even tho she no longer lives in Vancouver and we rarely see each other.. I consider her a close and dear friend. |
Do you want a book all about YOU?
I am looking for models.. click here to learn more.